Tamper Alerts


  • What is Meter Tampering: Meter tampering covers any sort of external influence on meters and metering circuits’
  • Tamper Mode: A meter tamper mode is a trigger mode a meter switches to when it automatically detects any form of meter tampering. It helps the meter protect itself from external interference or influence. 
  • Tamper Alerts: A Tamper alert gets created when someone tampers with your meter. In most cases, this happens if a meter cover is opened or when unusual activity occurs.
  • Why do Meters go into Tamper Mode?

Meters go into tamper mode when the terminal cover is opened or not properly closed.

  • How do you know when your prepaid meter enters Tamper Mode?                      

a) To Identify tamper alerts on your meter, keep an eye on the screen. A raised palm symbol indicates that your meter cover isn't securely closed.

b)  Another way to confirm your meter has entered Tamper Mode is to check your power manager dashboard. 

More details are outlined below.


  1. As a Resident, you would receive an email alert when a Tamper Alert is triggered for your meter. The email sample is as below :


b) You will also receive an email once the alert has been resolved. 

  • How to clear tamper alerts/ remove meters from tamper mode

Your Power Manager will also get the Tamper Alert and will take the necessary actions to have it resolved as quickly as possible. However, please contact your Power Manager immediately for assistance if the alert is not resolved within 24 hours.



  • Operational procedures/Notifications
  • How to clear tamper alerts/ remove meters from tamper mode (step-by-step guide)
  1. As a PM User, you receive an email when a Tamper Alert is triggered for a meter. The email is presented below:

  1. You will also see the alert status on the Dashboard update to show that the meter has been tampered with. 

  1. i) On the Activity Details page, once you click the meter, the alert notification can also be seen.



ii) On the meter details page, you can see a Tamper Alert in the activity section with a timestamp of the alert. The alert will read: “The Tamper Alert for Meter ######## was triggered at HH: DD on DD-MM-YYY.”



First, go to the meter and investigate the cause of the tamper alert.  Most importantly,  ensure the meter terminal cover is properly placed by following these steps:

    1. Check the Magnetic Terminal: Examine the integrity of the meter cover's magnetic terminal. Ensure it's not damaged or broken.
    2. Inspect the Magnetic Sensor: Ensure the magnetic sensor is undamaged. This component is crucial for detecting the meter cover status.
    3. Confirm the Cover Position and Cables: Make sure the cover is correctly positioned, that is, it flushes. Check for any cables that might obstruct the cover from locking properly.
      You should hear a clicking sound once the cover is properly placed.

Once the meter cover is properly closed, the alerts clear.

You will receive an email alert when a Tamper Alert is resolved. 

The email is represented below. 

Resolving Tamper Alerts - How to properly close a Meter

To assist with resolving tamper alert issues, we’ve prepared a short video that walks you through the steps. You can access the video using the link below:

Watch the Tamper Alert Resolution Video

This video will guide you on how to handle tamper notifications effectively.

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