SHYFT Operating Modes

  1. Hybrid
  2. ATS
  3. Smart
  4. Maintenance

One of the main benefits of SHYFT STS is its incredible flexibility. The SHYFT STS was built to run in different "operating modes", each with its own unique purpose and benefits. Different operating modes can be leveraged in different situations to match your electricity desires or needs at a given time.

The operating modes can be changed via the "Control" tab of the SHYFT Connect web or mobile apps. An explanation of each is below:

Hybrid Mode

Note: Hybrid mode is available to certain SHYFT customers with systems that have a SHYFT-supported smart inverter. If you are unsure if this applies to your system, feel free to contact us.

In Hybrid Mode, SHYFT intelligently communicates with your system's smart inverter, allowing you to ensure that your system maintains power in the cleanest and most efficient way possible.

  • When you put the SHYFT STS into Hybrid Mode, it will prioritize and automatically connect the grid when it is available.
  • When the grid power becomes unavailable, SHYFT will rely on the system's inverter for power, until the batteries are low or the grid returns.
  • Once the batteries fall to a certain low state of charge, the generator will automatically turn on.
  • The generator will remain on until the grid power returns or until the batteries are fully charged. You will receive notifications of these changes in your app.

Hybrid Mode allows you to always prefer your cheaper and cleaner power sources when the grid power goes away, while ensuring that your system always has some connection to power. Its automatic switching, based on detected battery state of charge, also helps to ensure maximum value and lifetime of your batteries, saving you money with the flip of a switch.

ATS Mode

When you put SHYFT STS into ATS Mode, its behavior will be similar to that of an Automatic Transfer Switch.

  • It will automatically start the generator whenever power from the grid is not available. You will still be alerted to the loss in grid power, but no action is required from you to switch power sources.
  • When grid power returns, SHYFT will automatically switch to the grid and turn off your generator.

You can keep ATS Mode on during periods when you want constant power from the grid or generator (e.g. during work hours at a business).

Smart Mode

In Smart Mode, the SHYFT STS will always try to connect to grid power if it's detected as available and stable.

  • When the grid has lost power, SHYFT will notify you, giving you the option to turn on the generator remotely.
  • When grid power returns, SHYFT will automatically switch to the grid and turn off your generator.

Smart mode is perfect for situations where you want the real-time flexibility to turn on the generator (or not) whenever grid power becomes unavailable.

Maintenance mode

In this mode, Your SHYFT Smart Transfer Switch will be in maintenance mode.

While your SHYFT device is in maintenance mode, it can only be operated via the manual switches on the device.

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